Medical & Other Benefits of Floatation Therapy
This is one more medical reason that explains a sense of balance and well being in the floating patient's everyday life when using floatation tanks. Recent medical flotation research has shown more and more the importance of having a good balance of activity between the two cerebral hemispheres to guarantee a better state of physical, mental, and emotional health."
Floatation therapy is a medical treatment using sensory deprivation within a floatation tank or float room. Years of well documented tests show that floatation tank therapy not only has an immediate effect on pain relief and elimination of stress, it also promotes ‘whole-brain’ thinking. Many athletes, writers and artists have experienced enormous benefits from floatation therapy utilizing floatation tanks.
Floatation therapy applications for sports people and athletes
• Deep muscular relaxation• Accelerates healing of injuries
• Enhances Performance using visualization
Floatation therapy benefits for business people
• Complete physical & mental de-stressing• Deep muscular relaxation
• Rejuvenates energy levels
• Enhances Creativity
Floatation therapy for students
• Stimulates creativity• Promotes clarity of thought process
• Aids accelerated learning
It is a heavenly experience to be in a floatation tank. When there is no sound to be heard, no light to be seen and no base to rest your body, all your sense are relaxed (because they have nothing to do). This heals the overall spiritual self and physical self is automatically treated by itself.
John Roniq
Float Therapy West Kelowna